Very 5th Chakra Week in Astrology (3.12.12)

So I just finished creating this recording for my Writing the Energetic Body workshop where I talked about how the 5th Chakra is about our Divine Will, or basically our calling in life. It is about being honest with ourselves, and how that honesty and acting on our Truth (Divine Will) is not only good for ourselves, but for everyone. (Each of us is here for a reason – and when we listen and tap into it, we are elevating the overall vibe of the universe).

The first half of my recording got cut off (Mercury retrograde?), but my relaxation exercise on the chakra was saved! Then I listened to Anne Ortelee’s Weekly Weather podcast, and she essentially talked about the 5th Chakra without calling it the 5th Chakra. Synchronicity like this has been happening all week, so I am sharing the groovy connection.

Chakra 5: Visuddha ~ Purification, Communication, Creativity • The Right to Speak and Be Heard • Ether, Sound

The Fifth Chakra is about Communication and Creativity.  It is about keeping our word with ourselves and with others. When our 5th Chakra is balanced, we can trust and allow the “Divine Will” (which is really our Higher Self) to flow through us.

In writing (or any other creative act like music, painting, cooking, speaking), Divine Will is when it feels as if we have let go and have “channeled” our words. Have you ever reread your work and wondered, “Did I write that?” It’s becoming so in the flow with whatever you are doing that you lose track of time and your expression becomes effortless. Whatever your work – whatever you are driven to do – that’s it.

Question: What am I meant to do with my life?

According to Anne Ortelee, astrologer and teacher, this week is all about decisions concerning our life’s calling. Mercury is pushing the agenda and the big “life” planets are responding.

Check out Anne’s Weekly Weather Podcast and listen for yourself!

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Holly hails from an illustrious lineage of fortune tellers, yogis, folk healers, troubadours and poets of the fine and mystical arts. Shape-shifting Tantric Siren of the Lunar Mysteries, she surfs the ebbs and flows of the multiverse on the Pure Sound of Creation. Her alchemy is Sacred Folly — revolutionary transformation through Love, deep play, Beauty, and music.

5 thoughts on “Very 5th Chakra Week in Astrology (3.12.12)

  1. Holly, although I AM reading this about a month and a day after you first posted this, it is beyond timely. Today I have not only been thinking about who and how I channel, but also that I AM giving Readings tonight at a fundraising event and wish to make sure to take extra special care of my throat! And it never ceases to amaze me how I simply do not wish to pay attention to the time when I reading your writing. I need to leave here at 1PM, which is two minutes from now. Shall I be doing so? No. Is that problem for me? Hell, no! Was reading your writing worth being late? Fuck, yes (sorry, just could not resist). Thank you, again, for this post.


    1. thank you, Robert! I am glad this piece has had a positive effect on you! 🙂 LAst night, I was talking about tucking my artist self away in order to make it through the day at my corporate job (the job i had when I met you!!!). We were talking about your post from yesterday as well. Anyway, I said that I would take this self-expressive part of myself and tuck it away in the corner of my skull and it would have to hang out there in the dark while I went about “surviving”. Years later, I have been trying to call that part of myself back and it is hiding! The person I was talking to asked me how I felt about that . . . and just as she was asking, I felt a blanket of hot numbness descend from my throat to my belly to my fingertips. 5th Chakra! And I am working through so much of that now . . . Also, I find in my workshops that when I get to the 5th Chakra, people’s writing begins to peter off. We must REmember to treat our Divine Creativity with REspect and caring – there is so much LIFE in that part of ourselves. it is one of the first places to close off when fear moves in – AND when we think our SOURCE is coming from someone or something outside of ourselves.

      Thank you Robert!! Have a Divine Day!


      1. Wow! Holly, I think this comment was even more powerful than the original post!! If nothing else, this comment Loving Re-Minds me that your Divine Destiny (or, at least an integral part of it) is to be a Star-Achieving Artist. Your Inner Muse wants to always be worshipped, adored, loved and lavished. And I AM clear that your Sacral Chakra (which, I believe, is also connected to Creativity) is Lovingy, but firmly Re-Minding you to honor it, too. Carnelian, the “Blood of Isis” shall certainly help. Incidentally, my Saturn-Sign is Taurus, which rules the throat, so I, too, must always speak, write and channel Divine Truth. Again, truly lovely and powerful writing.


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