Juicy Living, Humble Freedom, and Caroline Myss

Myss has a fierce way of cutting through the hypocrisy of people who call themselves spiritual but then are able to turn around and knowingly (or worse, unknowingly – especially through willful ignorance) harm another person. She cuts through the “fluff” (and the serious stuff, too, like greed and fear and politics) that builds up and eventually becomes heavy enough to obscure our individual destinies.

Basically, she blasts the “power-over” paradigm that is our society.  Listening to her voice, I feel like she is caught between her mystical understanding and her position as a westerner living in a capitalist society.  (Or maybe that’s my own struggle . . . or maybe it’s the struggle of being human).

One of the things Caroline said that made my ears prick up was when she discussed the fear of being ordinary. Ouch. I think as I approach middle age, not only has it been a fear, but a panic! As the initial dust settles from that realization, I can see how that fear (or any abstract fear), blocks everyday grace. It keeps me from being present, and I want to be present. I want to be present for the wonderful people in my life, especially my partner and his sweet child (who teaches me so much). Alas, awareness is the first step toward clarity.

Myss loosens up as the interview goes on.

The interviewer, Lilou Mace, has been traveling the world interviewing spiritual teachers. She calls her journey Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour. I appreciate her spirit and the nerve to do what she’s doing! She must be learning so much—and she has a lot to share. Check out her site.   She also has written a few books – I like this title: I Lost My Job and I Liked It.

Lilou Mace (pic from her Facebook page)


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Holly hails from an illustrious lineage of fortune tellers, yogis, folk healers, troubadours and poets of the fine and mystical arts. Shape-shifting Tantric Siren of the Lunar Mysteries, she surfs the ebbs and flows of the multiverse on the Pure Sound of Creation. Her alchemy is Sacred Folly — revolutionary transformation through Love, deep play, Beauty, and music.

4 thoughts on “Juicy Living, Humble Freedom, and Caroline Myss

  1. Nice job Holly! Thanks for sharing your insights! I’ve heard LIlou interview some of my favorite spiritual celebrities. I’ve got a lot of respect for her. Her Youtubes get millions of hits! And don’t worry, you’ll never be ordinary 🙂 You’re always be a brilliant star in my heart!
    Love Forever


  2. I like Myss’ notion that we can’t solve the problems we now face with reason because they’re not reasonable problems, or problems that can be “solved.” Jung said that the most important problems are fundamentally unsolvable; they can only be outgrown.
    Nice post, Holly. Thanks.


    1. Hi Brad,

      Yes, I was listening to this interview as I was making breakfast. When Myss said that the problems we face are not reasonable problems, I had to stop and pay attention. She says things people aren’t willing to say.




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