Luck, Birds, Toys and Angels

lene_lovich-1Lene Lovich is one of my early musical influences. Someone told me that a photo of me reminded her of Lene Lovich. Her music is fun to revisit . . .

Kinda funny how when my Lucky Number’s One is easily changes to Two. Trick is to find balance – or maybe not – maybe it’s time to just dive the freak in.


Does balance dull things? Hmmm. Skimming the surface is not how I like to play, I like to dive deep and long. Maybe my balance is the cold mountain air!

Flitty, fluttery bride with black boots! Go!

Hilarious. So 80s.

How could I not love her humor, beauty, and drama? Not to mention that wild voice.

Lene Lovich LeneI found these videos on Lene Lovich’s website – Lene Lovich Band. She is touring in Europe!

* I could not find information on the photographers – so for now, they are unknown.

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Holly hails from an illustrious lineage of fortune tellers, yogis, folk healers, troubadours and poets of the fine and mystical arts. Shape-shifting Tantric Siren of the Lunar Mysteries, she surfs the ebbs and flows of the multiverse on the Pure Sound of Creation. Her alchemy is Sacred Folly — revolutionary transformation through Love, deep play, Beauty, and music.

9 thoughts on “Luck, Birds, Toys and Angels

  1. Ca plane pour nous!
    You say (and see) such beautiful things,Vanapani,–honestly, it takes my breathe away.
    Balance: two passages and two video links:
    “If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”
    –TH White (1899-1985) American writer
    “Though the world be histrionical, and most men live ironically,
    yet be thou what thou singly art, and live but one man.”
    —Sir Thomas Browne, M.D. (1605-1682), English writer, advice to his children


  2. “Does balance dull things?” As an artist like you, I think about this all the time. I try to have the courage to embrace life in all it’s extremes… I believe that is what inspires compassion and connection to others. The Ying/Yang symbol is black and white, not grey. I find moments of great inner peace within the context of of life where I am constantly trying to grow by pushing through fears, trying out new things, and being an active participant in life. One of my favorite films that explores this theme (for me, anyway) is “Occupy Love” by Velcrow Ripper.

    And thank you for posting those videos! I used to listen to her all the time.

    And so grateful for our connection. I always think of you, silently cheering you on for your happiness. xo


    1. Lynda – Thank you. I am so glad to know you! Talk about pushing through fears and stretching comfort zones – the situation in which we met that forced us to really know and act from our personal centers. What a gift.

      Yes, balance is a central theme for me, and a struggle. A sort of experimentation of push and pull. Bland is not balanced! And oh, what trickiness at times to walk the tightrope – it always requires minute movement to stay standing.

      I will have to check out the movie!

      Happiness. Tiny steps sometimes.

      xoxoxoxo ~


      1. Ca plane pour nous!
        You say (and see) such beautiful things,Vanapani,–honestly, it takes my breathe away.

        Balance: two passages and two video links:

        “If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”
        –TH White (1899-1985) American writer

        “Though the world be histrionical, and most men live ironically,
        yet be thou what thou singly art, and live but one man.”
        —Sir Thomas Browne, M.D. (1605-1682), English writer, advice to his children


        1. Oh, wow. I love that Maharishi says that creative intelligence is comprised of destruction and creation, but to evolve we don’t necessarily need to suffer, we just need to allow the ebb and flow. I keep saying that!!!

          My suffering is with relationships. I get that we need to contract and expand, and that we have our own rhythms of contraction and expansion (or rest and activity, gathering at the base and rising). I have been letting go of people who claim to love me but do not understand that there is a need for the ebb and flow. Feeling shamed because I need a creative rest is suffering, not rest. Conversely, feeling/being shamed because I need a creative outlet (and often a LOUD one) is not being free to grow, it’s being stifled.

          The ebb and flow that Creative Intelligence requires is a three-way balance with society. But more and more, it’s a subtle shift, the people who get it are the ones who are in my life on a profound level. Sometimes it is difficult to go with my personal flow of energy, but, it is more difficult to conform to someone else’s.

          Om shanti Om. I know this, but thank you for the eloquent reminder!


  3. LAYN-yah!–so lovely! Thank you for these, Shrimati T!! When she came through Chicago on her “Lucky Number” tour (1980?), two wonderful gorgeous fellow Art Inst, Lene-head friends & I arrived first & spent the entire time dancing right up within touching, flying braid-thwapping & sweat-popping/swapping range of Grand Duchess LL & the band. There was not even a 6 inch raised stage & no cordon, but delightfully no one pushed past a 2-3 foot respect-space (leaving her just ample enough room to make all her fabulous divinely crazed raven-angel moves), though the open room did swiftly crunch up behind us all the way back to the doors–everyone grooving. Such fun. She really poured herself out! And, lingering to exchange appreciations at set break & after,–a completely genuine, warm, funny & accessible person. Definitely somewhat humbly shy, while smoothly grounded in her self. Everyone was in love with her. Some of us never stopped being, it seems. Bagalamukhi Jati HO! She whose tresses & voice are like bridle-reins dumbfounding all into blissful silent wonder! Her brief interview tube of recent vintage includes (among other good things) mention of her instant inspiration (via Nina) to help spare animals & co-compose their crise de couer PETA anthem. Viva Sister Nina & Viva Lady La Layn-yah.


      1. Bach acha: Her Serene Highness, Arch-Duchess Lene (Lili-Marlene Premilovich) Lovich is doubtless a premiere emissarial emanation of the redoubtable Dada Mama Baroness Elsa von Freytag-(von) Loringhoven (1874 – 1927). Or, given the inverse teleological cosmogony of Dada, vice versa.
        Fun to know we en-niche shared titular gandharvans in our respective firmamental pantheons of Noble Intonation. Pip pip.


        1. She is most Supremely Cosmic and Joyous and Beautiful. A Being whose Beauty has set off a chord in the Galactic Center of my Heart. A Beacon of Conscious Delight, calling, “This way . . . this way . . . ”

          (Really, I can see her with lanterns in her hands and a glowing medallion about that hangs at her heart—spinning, spinning, spinning on a humongous turntable, reminding us to avoid jagged splintered rocks of mediocrity).


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