What is Scorpio Pushing you to Release?

My friend Robert Alvarez wrote a post about Scorpio. In it he asks the following questions, which are perfect for this time of year:

1.  How are you complicating your life?

2.  Where are you adding unholy madness and unnecessary chaos into your life, your relationships, your world?

3. To what or to whom are you holding on that is no longer serving your needs, and probably killing you, slowly but surely?

4. How do you feel about life?  In other words, how do you really feel about life?

5. How do you feel about your life?  In other words, how do you really feel about your life?

6. Who and what are you allowing to dominate you, manipulate you, directly or indirectly, that is preventing you from receiving Blessings, Gifts and Miracles (the answer might very well surprise you)?

7. What are the obstacles that you have had for years?

8. Why do you think you have had the same obstacles for years?

sunflowerCan you honestly answer these questions and then make a commitment to letting go of the things that hinder your life’s potential? Can you see how at one point the answers to the questions may have served you well – but now that you have grown and evolved they no longer serve you?

Visit Robert’s post – Zodiakos: Scorpio

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Holly hails from an illustrious lineage of fortune tellers, yogis, folk healers, troubadours and poets of the fine and mystical arts. Shape-shifting Tantric Siren of the Lunar Mysteries, she surfs the ebbs and flows of the multiverse on the Pure Sound of Creation. Her alchemy is Sacred Folly — revolutionary transformation through Love, deep play, Beauty, and music.

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