Writing the Energetic Body Testimonial

For my online workshop, I asked participants of Writing the Energetic Body to introduce themselves on the class blog, and one of the participants who has taken the class before wrote this beautiful testimonial! (shared by permission)

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Hello, everyone.  My name is Robert Alvarez, and I live in Union City, New Jersey.  I AM an Intuitive Card Reader, a Metaphysical Teacher, an Energy Healing Practitioner (Reiki, as well as other Energy Healing Modalities) and a WordPress Blogger.

I have known Holly Troy for several years, and have always loved her Energy.  She suggested I write a post to officially introduce myself to the group, and here it is.

I have participated in “Writing the Energetic Body” only once before, and I AM beyond happy, excited and thankful that the opportunity has been presented to me, yet again.

My first experience with “W. E. B.” was incredibly powerful.  I learned more about myself, and experienced Healing Shifts in many areas, including but not limited to: physical, emotional, sexual, Spiritual, Psychic, financial, and romantic.

timberline sunset (c) Holly Troy 2013

It certainly super-charged my writing, and my personal Self-Expression.

In spite of the new financial and professional doors that have opened up for me recently, I look forward to making the most of the investment in my Peace, Health and Plenty known as “Writing the Energetic Body: Pisces 2014.”

Also, feel free to learn more about me by visiting my blogs.  They are:

http://thetarotman.wordpress.com (This Is Who I AM), and

http://thisgaymanslife.wordpress.com (This Gay Man’s Life…).

Thank you, one and all, and may the Divine Great Mystery Bountifully Bless all of you with:

Love and Light and Life; Prosperity, Protection and Peace; Honor, Wholeness and Healing.

Wishing you Powerful, Transformative Change, Robert Alvarez, the Psychic Witch.

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This made my day! I’ve been busy creating videos for the course, and am feeling pretty groovy about the class.

To see a class description and to register, visit here

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Holly hails from an illustrious lineage of fortune tellers, yogis, folk healers, troubadours and poets of the fine and mystical arts. Shape-shifting Tantric Siren of the Lunar Mysteries, she surfs the ebbs and flows of the multiverse on the Pure Sound of Creation. Her alchemy is Sacred Folly — revolutionary transformation through Love, deep play, Beauty, and music.

2 thoughts on “Writing the Energetic Body Testimonial

  1. And reading how you honored me, Holly, made MY day!

    Thank you so much, and tomorrow is going to be phenomenal (as well as the following twenty-six or twenty-seven days, and beyond!)!

    You honor me greatly, and I AM most thankful.


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