Darkness, Embodiment, and Manifestation – Musings on the New Moon and Solstice Music

The energy is particularly cosmic right now. Today (or tomorrow, depending on where you are on the planet), we are experiencing a New Moon in Sagittarius, in the Galactic Center (the black hole at the center of our galaxy). Take time to meditate and receive intuition on what to aim for over the next lunar month – energies are potent! What are your wishes? What are you seeking?

winter sun © 2017 Holly TroyThis is also the last time in about 29.5 years we will experience New Moon in Sagittarius with Saturn in Sagittarius. What have you learned over the last few years? What lessons stand out?

While the moon energy is Sagittarius, over the next couple of days, Saturn moves into Capricorn, its home sign. During this shift, there is a big releasing energy. As we bring in new ideas and intentions with the New Moon, we simultaneously experience the Saturn shift calling for a big letting go. What rules or beliefs do you have?  Where do your beliefs come from? Do they help or hinder your evolution as a spiritual human being? Write down whatever you can think of. If the rules or beliefs don’t feel good to you, rewrite the rules!*

Over the next few days up until the Solstice, release what no longer serves you. The rule rewriting may get you on a roll, and may take a few days. Let this be a deep excavation, the action of writing will likely help you uncover more than you realized was there. Take your time.

As you go deep, think back over the last 30 years and let go of anything (old hurts, stories, regrets, obstacles, powerlessness, hauntings) you no longer wish to take with you on your next 30 year journey. Where can you change the stories? Who or what can you forgive? Where have you given your power away? Sagittarius is about freedom, use the last degree of Saturn in Sagittarius to free yourself!

Think about what you have accomplished as well. What is your wisdom and successful foundation? What gifts can you add to the cosmic collective?

Of course, what do you want to bring into your life? While the New Moon focuses on monthly shifts, the new Saturn cycle is a deeper, slower, macro shift. The Solstice will act like a 30 year New Moon cycle as Saturn, now in its home sign of Capricorn, is conjunct the Sun. Saturn wants to solidify your new dream – and shows you how to do it through work and determination. Not sure what you want? Think about what dreams scare you the most. What kind of world do you want to live in? Cast a dream for the larger collective.

On the Solstice (December 21st), celebrate the dark – the place of pure potentiality – and the place where light returns. Cast your wishes, your spells into the darkness. As the days grow longer, your desires will unfurl. Remember to faithfully nurture your intentions daily – concrete actions are required to bring your dreams to three-dimensional reality.

Let the cultivation of your seedlings of desire begin with a deep trance dance Solstice ceremony. Jupiter in Scorpio expands and Mars in Scorpio energizes your personal power as well as the places of shadow, while Saturn in Capricorn can help us embody that which is ethereal. What is your power? What are your dreams? Use your body to bring them into your physical reality. Stamp your feet, or find a way to physically experience the earth – let the music take you there.

Viking music feels appropriate – earthy, and powerful. 

The visual of Heilung feels very like Scorpio and Capricorn. Song calling for a different way to have power for peace – calling for a new vision (Sagittarius). Intense!

Danheim is a full hour or so of deep drumming – trance out music.

Happy Solstice everyone!

Much love and blessings on this new journey we are about to embark on.



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Holly hails from an illustrious lineage of fortune tellers, yogis, folk healers, troubadours and poets of the fine and mystical arts. Shape-shifting Tantric Siren of the Lunar Mysteries, she surfs the ebbs and flows of the multiverse on the Pure Sound of Creation. Her alchemy is Sacred Folly — revolutionary transformation through Love, deep play, Beauty, and music.

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