Co-Creating with the Cosmos ~ Lunar Lesson for Gemini

Co-Creating with the Cosmos

Co-Creating with the Cosmos is a monthly two-hour interdisciplinary workshop that focuses on the fundamentals of electional astrology and the power of working with lunar rhythms for potent intention setting.

Each month, we will focus on the energy of the astrological sign that is expressed by the New Moon.

The workshop will include embodiment of the energy through movement, meditation, visualization and/or breath work. You will also receive suggestions for a New Moon ritual.

Classes are conducted via Zoom on a monthly basis. It is not necessary to be on the call live. All who register will receive a video they can view at any time. 

An Exploration of Personal and Collective Empowerment through Lunar Cycles

We are celestial bodies, dancing with the vibrations of the universe — the stars, the planets, and each other. We become conscious co-creators when we tune into and flow with the cadence of the cosmos.

Dancing in the Moonlight 

BLOG crescent cropped point right.GEMINI DP YELLOWIn astrology, the moon is the ruler of our emotions. Every month, we focus on the new moon energy, and the mood or personality of the new moon based on where it is in the zodiac. We will do a deep dive into what that energy is and feels like in our lives in “the now”.

By the time we journey with the moon through every sign in the zodiac, we will have explored the archetypal energies of each sign and will have a more thorough understanding of how they are expressed in our lives. 

As we become familiar with these energies, we learn how to work with them, move with them, call on them as we create and transform our lives. When we explore and make intentions with these aspects of the cosmos and humanity – we develop an understanding of ourselves on an integral scale. We begin to understand how we affect the world. 

I believe this understanding  opens our reality to more creativity and compassion. As we give all aspects of ourselves expression, we heal. Our lives become more integrated and less fragmented. An awareness of the cycles helps us to be grounded while exploring the outer reaches of our imaginations. As we anticipate patterns, we have more choice in how we respond to personal and worldly events.

May 2020 Lunar Lesson – Gemini

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 4:00 to 6:00 PM PST
via ZOOM

This class will be recorded “live” via ZOOM. You will receive the ZOOM video, slides, and any additional materials that are relevant to this course.

The Gemini New Moon falls on Friday, May 22nd. I offer Lunar Lessons a couple of days before the New Moon so that you may integrate the information and the exercises to prepare your ritual and intentions.

Due to the worldwide situation, I am offering this class on a sliding scale. Pay what you can. All price levels receive the same workshop. My hope is to share these tools with as many people as possible during this time of not-knowing, slow down, and reinvention.

Registration will remain sliding scale until 3:00 PM PST, May 20th. Then pricing switches to $26.00. Recording and slides will be available.

Sliding Scale Registration for Wednesday, May 20th Gemini Lunar Lesson 


Gemini – The Magician, The Shapeshifter, The Twins, The Eternal Child

New Moon in Gemini at 2º04′, 10:38 am PDT, May 22nd

We will be exploring Gemini energy this month – and there will be a lot of it. The heart-centered Sun, silver-tongued Mercury and beautiful Venus are all having a party.

The moon also switched nodes recently. The soul-focused north node moved from nurturing Cancer to light-hearted Gemini for its next eighteen-month journey. Energy is shifting from an inward focus on home, to the backyard – and the local neighborhood.

By the New Moon we will will be feeling the shift from earthy, sensuous Taurus to airy, youthful Gemini.

Gemini’s power is in communication, the delight in words. The dance is with ideas, language, storytelling. Magic. Play. Sharing.

We need some playful energy right now. The way we communicate and connect has gone through major change in a very short time. Though we may be physically distant, we must remain connected.

Gemini is a much more light-hearted energy than all the earth energy we have been dealing with – though over the next few months we’ll have Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the New Moon squaring Neptune and Mars in Pisces, creating the energy of confusion. Embrace the energy of not-knowing! How to do that? Focus on your imagination and what you want to create. Very open-ended energy. Be like a child – remember how you used to play the game of Make Believe? Let it be like that. Be in that space of play, let it be real – you can always set an alarm to bring you back home in time for dinner.

Join me in cultivating the playful spirit of Gemini into your intentions and your life. We will explore the power of words, the inner child, and transformation through cosmic and mental time travel.

What you get with Co-Creating with the Cosmos!

Participants will:

  • Receive a short astrology lesson with a focus on the lunar cycle and the moon’s energy based on its position in the zodiac. 
  • Learn best practices for setting intentions with monthly lunar cycles. 
  • Discover the longer, lesser-known, Lunar Gestation Cycle, it’s four primary stages and how to work with those stages. 
  • Find out how your personal goals can empower all beings with strategies for intention setting, ritual creation, and co-creative living.
  • Obtain specific dates for working with monthly and gestational cycles. 
  • Clarify and expand your awareness of the area of your life that is highlighted by the moon’s placement on the zodiac based on your sun and rising sign.
  • Explore the astrological energy of the moon through movement and asana, meditation, visualization, and pranayama (breathwork).
  • Awaken the body/mind and deepen the cosmic/somatic experience of the lunar cycles.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the subtle self in connection with the cosmos.
  • Uncover possible hidden desires.
  • Deepen and expand creative vision toward a more conscious experience of co-creation.
  • Have fun. 

Why is Co-creating with the Cosmos Useful?

  • Recognition, embodiment, and expression of emotions are necessary for our health, our relationships, and our growth. You will strengthen your ability to express yourself, listen to yourself, and hear and trust your intuition.
  • Reviewing the monthly and gestational cycles of the moon is a dance with time – past, present and future. Our intentions overlap and influence one another. You don’t just throw the ball in the dark and wait. There is movement. You will learn to check in with yourself, and review, cultivate, and amend choices as life unfolds.
  • This is empowerment to create your individual and collective reality. Co-Creating with the Cosmos is your guide to envisioning and putting into motion a better future. 
  • You will have more awareness of cosmic cycles, and how and when to work with them. You will find you have more choice. Compassion, creativity, conscious evolution, and connection has more space to breathe when we have choice. 
  • When you work with cosmic energy, you boost your ability to accomplish your goals. You will see how the patterns in the stars reflect the patterns in your life, and will learn how to use those patterns to your advantage for more ease and possibility in the life you want.
  • You will navigate change with joyful curiosity, a “what if” playfulness, and integrated grace.
  • Encompassing cosmic concepts within the body grounds the experience. You will become more present and relax the entire nervous system. 
  • You will tap into more possibilities and create a more expansive existence.
  • You will learn how to give yourself permission to slow down. You will create more spaciousness in your life. 
  • We are stardust. The more you do this work, the more you will realize you are not alone.

This class is for you if

  • you have been wanting to learn about astrology
  • you are interested in observing your life’s patterns and even create new patterns
  • you would like to know powerful ways to set intentions and practice follow through
  • you are interested connecting cosmic energy with practical actions
  • you need a boost in clarity  
  • you want a deeper connection with you mind/body/spirit
  • you crave a deeper connection with your partner, loved ones, friends
  • you are ready to become conscious of and expand your creative capacity
  • you like to have fun

No Experience Required!

No astrology experience is required, just curiosity and a willingness to have fun and to learn something new.

Please wear comfortable, loose clothing to allow for ease of movement, and bring a journal and something to write with.

Sliding Scale Registration for Wednesday, May 20th Gemini Lunar Lesson 

Due to the worldwide situation, I am offering this class on a sliding scale. Pay what you can. All price levels receive the same workshop. My hope is to share these tools with as many people as possible during this time of not-knowing, slow down, and reinvention.

Registration will remain sliding scale until 3:00 PM PST, May 20th. Then pricing switches to $26.00. Recording and slides will be available. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Why practice with me?

I am an experienced yoga teacher and workshop leader. My classes are gentle, playful, and relaxing.

I was first introduced to yoga as therapy for an injury when I was 18 and have been practicing ever since. I fell in love with the benefits of yoga and became certified as an instructor through the Sivananda lineage in 1996. Since then, I have deepened my investigation of the body’s subtle energies through: practicing and teaching reiki; studying kundalini and tantra yoga; being a student and practitioner of astrology and tarot; creating several visualization meditations; exploring and implementing the science of human potential; and developing workshops involving yoga, meditation, the mind/body connection, and creativity. All of these methodologies have enriched my understanding of integrative health, relational physiology, and body awareness. I am also a musician and performer, artist, life model, and writer.

What People are Saying

Holly is one of the most gifted and spiritually awakened people I’ve ever known. She is an excellent yoga teacher and Reiki Master as well as a very talented writer, poet, artist and singer. I heartily endorse her without reservation and am blessed to have her as a friend and colleague!”  Geordie Numata – Creator, Deer Spirit Reiki

Journaling Through the Chakras with Holly was an emotionally releasing experience. I went to this workshop while I was up in Flagstaff for the Yoga Festival. What drew me first was the “Journaling” part because I used to fill journals from …my late teens into my early twenties. I was interested in putting my emotions to paper again in an enlightened and loving environment. This brought my thoughts and feelings to a whole other level. My words came from my higher self, a self that we all have and can easily fine tune with the right intention and experiences in our life. This experience for me was so right. I let a lot go that day that I never would before have even gave light to. Freedom is truly something you feel and letting all that go with the guidance of the sacred chakras and Holly’s meditative free flowing teaching made that possible. Her vibe cannot be taught. She is here as a gift from Universe to help others reach for their higher self and live in the light. ~ Sarah Waraksa

I’ve taken Holly’s workshops: Journaling through the Chakras 1 and 2. They were wonderful and I gained many insights about myself. I’ve taken many yoga classes taught by Holly and I always come out smiling. She is a remarkable teacher and an incredible human being. Holly emanates joy and love and happiness. ~ Dorlee Henderson

Holly, you are absolutely a Living Goddess of Permanent Prosperity. You bring your Sacred Folly to all and all Prosper. You bring Healing, through your Cosmic Creations, your Wise Words of Prosperity Power, and through your Financially Fulfilling Foolishness. You re-Mind all with whom you come in contact that we all have the Power to create Heaven on Earth RIGHT NOW! Holly, you are, indeed, a Living Goddess of Permanent Prosperity. ~ Robert Alvarez