Co-Creating with the Cosmos

Dancing the Universe of the Authentic Self

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” ~ Carl Sagan

I envision a world where people have the tools and resources to be their authentic selves as conscious creators contributing to a renaissance of human potential that uplifts all of humanity and every being on the planet. My intention with Co-Creating with the Cosmos is to help people become more effective, conscious creators of their reality.

We are Stardust

All beings on the planet are affected by the movement of celestial bodies. 

black moon 1Currently, the overarching planetary trend is transformation and evolution. The Saturn and Pluto alignment in Capricorn at the beginning of  2020  set off sweeping change to our political, economic, ecological and physical infrastructures —every aspect of our lives is being affected. 

Over the next few years, the slower moving planets are walking us through a rite of passage. We have entered a period of not-knowing, where our definitions of ourselves, beliefs, boundaries, leadership, responsibility, personal sovereignty, and structures are collapsing. Our values regarding our health and health care systems, finances, food sources, art, culture, nature and our relationship with the planet are being called into question. At the same time, what we experience as reality seems like it is dissolving and we are being asked to dream a new dream. 

We are being squeezed, pressurized, in new ways. If we can gain some footing, steer the smaller movements with an eye on the larger changes, we can dance this pivotal point in history  with humanity, grace, compassion, and creativity. 

Astrology helps us to see the patterns in the dance, and, according to Caroline Casey, it empowers us to become, “completely involved in the responsibility of shaping reality for the greater good of all our relations.” 

The Call of the Cosmos – We are all Creators

“[A]strology defines the task of being fully human as discerning the pattern of evolutionary intelligence, the liveliest possibility at any moment in time, and aligning with that.” – Caroline Casey

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all creators. Every day, we make choices that create our reality. We are being called to consciousness. We are being called to pay attention. There is an unfolding, a natural order – and within that unfolding, we are part of a give and take, a conversation, an exploration, an imagining, a pressure and release. As Co-Creators in this cosmic organization, we have say and we have choice. 

Recognize this as a point of evolution. Our foundation and structures are changing. No one alive in this lifetime has experienced this shift.  This is a time for a new vision. What do you want the outcome for humanity to be? I will give you a hint to that answer – use your imagination.

Co-creating with the Cosmos is a form of Visionary Activism. In the book, Making the Gods Work for You, Caroline Casey says, “Visionary activism invites us to participate actively in shaping and creating our personal and collective reality by embarking on an adventure of joyful maximum self-cultivation”.

Self-cultivation begins with an awareness of what brings us joy – what we are called to do in this lifetime. Art, music, dance, study, science, nature, athleticism – what are the things that give  you the most excitement? 

Deep excitement. Soul excitement. 

The best way to evolve? Do what you love! 

Pay attention to patterns and synchronicities, follow your intuition, explore your innate sense of “knowing”. We are stardust, after all, the knowledge of the universe is in our cellular structure. We are here to experience and learn through physical reality.  Awareness of the planetary dance, and how we can consciously participate, becomes delightful, important, and practical.

This is how we do our part: we do our thing, we inspire others. 

I teach cosmic co-creation because it excites me. It has helped me work with and make sense out of chaos. It has helped me to time my actions, to move forward into the unknown, to act on my dreams. It has helped me embrace mystery. And I love to share and to learn. 

I promise you, we are not without choice. We get to have a conversation about navigating the ship of life, filling in the map as we go, and getting direction from the stars. 

Let the Moon Guide the Way

Astrology is a vast subject. Each planet and sign has its own archetypal personalities that we experience in our lives. How the planets aspect one another and  the signs and houses they are moving through can tell us the astrological weather on earth.  All the planets are an important part of the dance, and understanding their roles can expand our understanding of events and patterns in our lives. 

Because the moon is a prominent celestial body that goes through daily observable changes, it is a great place to start.  As we observe the waxing and waning of the moon in the sky, we can also observe the waxing and waning of our energy. And as the moon moves through the entire zodiac every 29.5 days, it also aspects every planet in the sky each month. Through those transit relationships, we can gain more understanding of all the celestial bodies.

Co-Creating with the Cosmos

Co-Creating with the Cosmos is a monthly  interdisciplinary workshop that focuses on the fundamentals of electional astrology and the power of working with lunar rhythms for potent intention setting.

Each month, we will focus on the characteristics of the astrological sign that is expressed by the New Moon.

The workshop includes embodiment of the lunar energy through movement, meditation, visualization and/or breath work. You will also receive suggestions for a New Moon ritual.

Classes are conducted via Zoom on a monthly basis. It is not necessary to be on the call live. All who register will receive a video they can review at any time. 

Each month will be different, based on the Moon of the month and its Lunar Gestation Cycle. 

As a participant in Co-Creating with the Cosmos, you will:

  • Receive a short astrology lesson with a focus on the lunar cycle and the moon’s energy based on its position in the zodiac. 
  • Learn best practices for setting intentions with monthly lunar cycles. 
  • Discover the longer, lesser-known, Lunar Gestation Cycle, it’s four primary stages and how to work with those stages. 
  • Find out how your personal goals can empower all beings with strategies for intention setting, ritual creation, and co-creative living.
  • Obtain specific dates for working with monthly and gestational cycles. 
  • Clarify and expand your awareness of the area of your life that is highlighted by the moon’s placement on the zodiac based on your sun and rising sign.
  • Explore the astrological energy of the moon through movement and asana, meditation, visualization, and pranayama (breathwork).
  • Awaken the body/mind and deepen the cosmic/somatic experience of the lunar cycles.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the subtle self in connection with the cosmos.
  • Uncover possible hidden desires.
  • Deepen and expand creative vision toward a more conscious experience of co-creation.
  • Have fun. 

Why is Co-creating with the Cosmos Useful?

  • Recognition, embodiment, and expression of emotions are necessary for our health, our relationships, and our growth. You will strengthen your ability to express yourself, listen to yourself, and hear and trust your intuition.
  • Reviewing the monthly and gestational cycles of the moon is a dance with time – past, present and future. Our intentions overlap and influence one another. You don’t just throw the ball in the dark and wait. There is movement. You will learn to check in with yourself, and review, cultivate, and amend choices as life unfolds.
  • This is empowerment to create your individual and collective reality. Co-Creating with the Cosmos is your guide to envisioning and putting into motion a better future. 
  • You will have more awareness of cosmic cycles, and how and when to work with them. You will find you have more choice. Compassion, creativity, conscious evolution, and connection has more space to breathe when we have choice. 
  • When you work with cosmic energy, you boost your ability to accomplish your goals. You will see how the patterns in the stars reflect the patterns in your life, and will learn how to use those patterns to your advantage for more ease and possibility in the life you want.
  • You will navigate change with joyful curiosity, a “what if” playfulness, and integrated grace.
  • Encompassing cosmic concepts within the body grounds the experience. You will become more present and relax the entire nervous system. 
  • You will tap into more possibilities and create a more expansive existence.
  • You will learn how to give yourself permission to slow down. You will create more spaciousness in your life. 
  • We are stardust. The more you do this work, the more you will realize you are not alone.

This class is for you if . . . 

  • you have been wanting to learn about astrology
  • you are interested in observing your life’s patterns and even create new patterns
  • you would like to know powerful ways to set intentions and practice follow through
  • you are interested connecting cosmic energy with practical actions
  • you need a boost in clarity
  • you want a deeper connection with you mind/body/spirit
  • you crave a deeper connection with your partner, loved ones, friends
  • you are ready to become conscious of and expand your creative capacity
  • you like to have fun

How I came to have this knowledge

white moon full_Blue_Cancer for blogNew Jersey is famous for houses with basements converted into entertainment rooms. The house where I grew up had a room in the basement with a faux leopard print fur lined bar; a blue, white, and golden brown shag carpet; a snake-like folding bean bag pillow couch; a standard couch; and walls made of wood paneling. Instead of booze behind the bar, we had books. The room was kind of creepy, but on hot summer days, in the mid-afternoon, I went down there to cool off and to read. 

When I was eight years-old, I discovered the astrology classic, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. I read that book cover to cover, my little girl mind humming with fascination. Four decades later I am still studying the stars. 

The book, or rather, astrology, offered me comfort. I hung on to the idea that Capricorns often have challenging childhoods and that they get younger as they get older. That message was a relief for me because I experienced abuse and neglect as a child. With this information,  I trusted I had something to look forward to. (Note: This was my own experience, I am not saying all Capricorns experience abuse and neglect as children).

By the time I was an adult, as a result of the childhood trauma, I was a master at dissociation and unable to express my feelings. Distrust in my own feelings resulted in crappy relationships and an inability to connect with others on a deep level. I was lonely, unable to trust, disconnected and unhappy. Like a true Capricorn, I had work to do!

I learned that in order to heal, first things first, I needed to connect with my body. I had to learn to be in my body and to allow myself to feel and express vulnerability in order to have healthy relationships and end the cycle of abuse.

Once I began a relationship with my physical self, I built safety and trust in my emotions through repetition and ritual and observation of patterns. I didn’t heal all alone, I am grateful for my teachers, therapists, coaches, and friends who have been there along the way. Over a lifetime, I have filled my healing toolbox with astrology, yoga, meditation, time in nature, study of the chakra energy systems, energetic healing, art, creative self-expression, affirmations, and play. 

The gift of my childhood is my path of self-inquiry, wellness, and creative discovery. In some ways, now I get to be the kid I couldn’t be – though with adult discernment and autonomy.

My work with astrology, creative writing, yoga, music, art, and all forms of self-expression is about embodiment, groundedness, and connection. I firmly believe that our actions have a ripple effect in the world, and that any tools we can use to inspire and uplift our lives and the lives of others are worthy of our exploration. 

My passion is to take people on a journey of positive transformation through imagination, movement, pranayama, and play. For over 20 years I have worked with lunar cycles to concentrate my potential for creative manifestation, and move through growth with grace, agility, and confidence. I am a musician and performer, a painter, a yogi and somatic/yoga instructor and workshop leader, life model, and writer. My approach to teaching (and to living) is playful, deep, and compassionate — I believe creativity, love, kindness, radical authenticity, fun, and self-care are imperative for a just and sustainable world.

Releasing Collective Dissociation

It seems that the norm for western culture is that we have become increasingly disconnected from ourselves and one another over the last few decades. Polarization is rampant, and there is a growing trend toward alienation, toward seeing people with any differences (difference in religion, political leanings, skin color, gender, country, fill in the blank) not as connected human beings, but as “other”.

On a deep basic level, this disconnect is disempowering and unsustainable for all of us.

Before this global crisis, many of us already were struggling with feelings of being alone. Now that we are social distancing, separation is part of our physical reality. And as we lose our way of being in life, and even friends and loved ones, we are feeling loss and grief. 

I am not a therapist, but from my own experience, if you are struggling:

  • Limit time taking in the news and social media
  • Do your best to stay in your body and feel and give your emotions creative outlet.
  • Try to eat nourishing foods and try to not let yourself get too hungry.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Move your body, exercise.
  • If you need help, please reach out to friends, family, and loved ones.
  • If you need a therapist or counseling, please let them help you.
  • Do or discover what gives you joy.
  • Start a garden.
  • Get out in nature.
  • If you feel helpless, help someone.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Trust your intuition.

These are all just suggestions. Any one of these things may be useful to you. Maybe you already have something you are doing that isn’t on this list – that’s great! Be gentle. Be kind. Keep in mind, you are here at this time on the planet for a reason. Each one of us is here for a reason.

Slowing down may be just the thing we need to get back in touch with ourselves. 

Please remember: You matter and you do make a difference! 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions for me.

Peace and so much love!


PS: Click here to see the latest lunar lesson – during this global transformation, I am offering my workshops on a sliding scale. 

What People are Saying

Holly is one of the most gifted and spiritually awakened people I’ve ever known. She is an excellent yoga teacher and Reiki Master as well as a very talented writer, poet, artist and singer. I heartily endorse her without reservation and am blessed to have her as a friend and colleague!”  Geordie Numata – Creator, Deer Spirit Reiki

Journaling Through the Chakras with Holly was an emotionally releasing experience. I went to this workshop while I was up in Flagstaff for the Yoga Festival. What drew me first was the “Journaling” part because I used to fill journals from …my late teens into my early twenties. I was interested in putting my emotions to paper again in an enlightened and loving environment. This brought my thoughts and feelings to a whole other level. My words came from my higher self, a self that we all have and can easily fine tune with the right intention and experiences in our life. This experience for me was so right. I let a lot go that day that I never would before have even gave light to. Freedom is truly something you feel and letting all that go with the guidance of the sacred chakras and Holly’s meditative free flowing teaching made that possible. Her vibe cannot be taught. She is here as a gift from Universe to help others reach for their higher self and live in the light. ~ Sarah Waraksa

I’ve taken Holly’s workshops: Journaling through the Chakras 1 and 2. They were wonderful and I gained many insights about myself. I’ve taken many yoga classes taught by Holly and I always come out smiling. She is a remarkable teacher and an incredible human being. Holly emanates joy and love and happiness. ~ Dorlee Henderson

Holly, you are absolutely a Living Goddess of Permanent Prosperity. You bring your Sacred Folly to all and all Prosper. You bring Healing, through your Cosmic Creations, your Wise Words of Prosperity Power, and through your Financially Fulfilling Foolishness. You re-Mind all with whom you come in contact that we all have the Power to create Heaven on Earth RIGHT NOW! Holly, you are, indeed, a Living Goddess of Permanent Prosperity. ~ Robert Alvarez


Casey, Caroline W. Making the Gods Work for You: the Astrological Language of Psyche. Harmony Books, 1998.